While attending TXSC, we received these super cute bags from TOMs. It's their new line and we were the first to get the goodies. They came in red, brown, black, and this mustard yellowish color. At first I thought it was a little too loud for me, but have since decided it's just right. It has a ton of little pockets and areas for expansion. The sides and straps are all adjustable, and there's even a side zipper pocket on the outside. Inside there's a divider, which helps keep things organized, my fav! Best of all, just like their shoes, you give back as it "provide a safe birth for a mother and baby in need. One for One.'
I'm kind of a bag lady, or as Josh would call it, a bag hoarder. Shopping bags, backpacks, purses, makeup bags, you name it, I have several of each. I don't know if it was just in keeping up with the theme from the conference or what, but this one just screams CAMP to me, so from now on it will be my designated camping bag going forward. :) Happy Camping!